Kähler Design - since 1839
In 1839, Herman Joachim Kähler opened a ceramic workshop in Nævsted on Zealand. He produced household goods and masonryheater. In 1872, his sons HermanAugust and Carl Frederik Kähler took over thecompany. Carl was responsible for the faïence production andHerman August initially looked after the heater construction. However,Carl left the company in 1875 and after a fire happened Herman Augustnewly built the factory outside of the town. Herman August wasstimulated by the architect Vilhelm Klein for new experimentation. Hetested out new glazes, shapes and masses. In 1886 he began to worktogether with Danish artists like H. A. Brendekilde, L.A. Ring and CarlO.J. Lund.
Hermann August achievedenormous success with the so-calledKähler red after doing many experiments with glazes. He wasinspired by the majolica color of the Italian Gubbio from the 16thcentury.
Hammershøi and Kähler
In 1913 he retired to thepure administrative management, hisson Herman Hans Christian Kähler became an artistic directorand Rasmus Grønholt a sales manager. Right after the deathof Herman A. Kähler in 1917 his son took over the management.In his era painters like Signe Steffensen and Tulle Emborg worked forthe ceramics factory. Since 1893, the painter and sculptor Svend Hammershøi worked for Kähler. Hammershøi was the brother offamous Danish painter VilhelmHammershøi. By far Svend wasnot successful as a painter as like his brother Vilhelm, but he isstill one of the most renowned ceramic artists in Denmark. He firstworked for the Kähler Keramiske Verkstad, later followedKjøbenhavns Lervarefabrik, Bing &Grøndahl and even Royal Copenhagen. Hammershøiworked until his death in 1948 for the company. As a tribute to theeminent Danish artist, the designer Hans-ChristianBauer designed the series Hammershøi that include vases, candlesticks and dishes. The series ischaracterized by the typical pleat pattern of SvendHammershøi and the color variety of traditionalKähler ceramic.
The reset of Kähler Design
In the fourth generationit was then slowly quiet to thecreative ceramics factory in Nævsted. The company workedrelatively successfully until the end of World War II and then fellinto oblivion except with real ceramic lovers. The familyKähler then sold the company in 1974 to the Nævsted municipality and it became more and more unsuccessful. In 2007 thefamous name was awakened back to life by a group of investors headed bythe Danish architect Franz Longhi as company Kähler Design.The young company with traditional view got its breakthrough by thevase from Omaggio(gift) series designed by the Danish designers Ditte Reckweg and JelenaSchou Nordentoft. The vase is now cult in Denmark and hasbeen playingan important role to regain the popularity of ceramic products trend.Meanwhile, the assortment was strongly expanded by KählerDesign and has been actively marketed in Germany since the FrankfurtFair 2015.